NEWSLETTER-October 2020

Who else is enjoying this fall weather?

Pipe Crew

Glen Smith 10/18/1990 Abel Martinez 10/1/2018
Garry Oglesby 10/10/1995 Jaddie Reich 10/1/2018
Eleazar Nino Palma 10/18/2004 Colton Tucker 10/1/2018
Brandon Martin 10/20/2013 Brian McKinnie 10/22/2018
Jon Van Vranken 10/10/2014 Tiffany Michele Sivard 10/13/2019
LaCresha Smith 10/1/2015 Shawn Levi Garrett 10/17/2019
Billy Jo Guest 10/26/2015 Ricky Hostetler 10/17/2019
Brandon Gossett 10/1/2016 Zackary Naylor 10/17/2019
Jackie Matlock 10/9/2017 Smith Gallagher 10/23/2019

Your hard work & dedication are vital to the success of our company.

Thank You for the wonderful years of service!

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breast cancer is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the tissues of the breast.


Facts About Breast Cancer In The United States

  • In 2020, an estimated 276,480 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in women in the U.S. as well as 48,530 new cases of non-invasive (in situ) breast cancer.
  • 64% of breast cancer cases are diagnosed at a localized stage (there is no sign that the cancer has spread outside of the breast), for which the 5-year survival rate is 99%.
  • This year, an estimated 42,170 women will die from breast cancer in the U.S.
  • Although rare, men get breast cancer too. In 2020, an estimated 2,620 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year in the U.S. and approximately 520 will die.
  • 1 in 8 women in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime
  • Breast cancer is the most common cancer in American women, except for skin cancers. It is estimated that in 2020, approximately 30% of all new women cancer diagnoses will be breast cancer.
  • There are over 3.5 million breast cancer survivors in the United States.
  • On average, every 2 minutes a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer in the United States.

David Cody, William Cody, Brent Coffey, Orville Cupit, Ray Elliott, Tony Harris, & Ryan Wetmore