NEWSLETTER-August 2021

It is time for our children to return to school…

Please pay attention to the roads and to your surroundings at all times.

Civil Crew

Paint Crew



Employee Date Of Hire
Mike Swift 8/3/1998
Mark Price 8/18/2006
Charles Michael Hall 8/27/2012
Amber Risner 8/11/2015
Jeffrey Turner 8/8/2017
Darlene Heyns 8/21/2017
Dannie England 8/10/2018
Willard Wilson 8/10/2018
Billy Cherry 8/27/2018
Ethan Bacon 8/5/2019
Dylan Morris 8/5/2019
Joseph Perez 8/5/2019
Dylan Rudisil 8/19/2019
Johnathan Hurd 8/20/2020
Juan Torres 8/26/2020
Kristin Franklin
Shelia Roberts

Your hard work & dedication are vital to the success of Tri-Lakes Services, Inc.

Thank you for the wonderful years of service.

Congratulations to our Courage to Care Winners

Ni’Keem Cherry, David Gantt, Kyla Heady, Chase Hilliard,

Benny Johnson, Aubry Thomas & Bobby Thompson