HEALTH & WELLNESS-December 2020

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas!



  1. the annual Christian festival celebrating Christ’s birth, held on December 25 in the Western Church.
  1. expressing surprise, dismay, or despair.


A dream is just a dream. A goal is a dream with a plan & a deadline.

~Harvey MacKay

One Thing: Making a Change

What is the number one thing you could change to have the greatest positive impact on your health? Now list at least 10 ways you could make that change a reality.

Here are a few to get you started:
• Quit smoking
• Lose 5% of excess body weight
• Reduce or eliminate alcohol consumption
• Minimize sugary foods and drinks
• Eat more fruits and vegetables

Goals: You Should Have Some

Goals call us to take action. They give us a reason to invest our time and energy in specific activities and behaviors for specific results. Simply put, goals motivate us to achieve something. Without goals, our energy remains unfocused and can bring random results. That is why sitting down at least annually to take a look at the areas of your life that you want to change can help you stay focused on your goals. Map out your goals and intentions for the coming year. Consider what would have the greatest positive impact on your health.

Which of the following areas of your life need the most attention right now?
How could you improve your level of physical fitness and wellbeing?
What could you do to incorporate more mindfulness into your daily life?
Are you adequately nourishing your body? What, if anything, needs to change with regard to your food choices?
Consider your network of friends and family. Does your current social support circle support you adequately?
Does your life feel balanced? Are each of the important areas of your life getting enough attention?
How is your financial wellbeing? What needs do you have in terms of financial security?
How connected are you? Are you actively engaged in your community?
What could you do to give your life a greater sense of purpose?



Cherry Coconut Sparkling Float

• 1 can half fat organic coconut milk
• 1 bag organic frozen cherries
• 8 ounces lime sparkling water
• 4 tablespoons chia (Mila)

1. Add the milk, chia and cherries to a blender.
2. Top it off with sparkling water.
That’s it! If you need it a little sweeter you can add a few drops of organic liquid
stevia, mix it up a little so it doesn’t settle.

Total Time (Cook and Prep):
10 minutes
Servings: 1

(per serving)
Calories 218
Fat 10g
Carbohydrates 26g
Sugar 16g
Sodium 8g